A Syllabus for Relearning Python
As I’m changing team at work, I’ve decided to brush up on my Python skill. After digging on the internet for a couple of days, I have chosen to learn from books and projects instead of online courses like I usually do. I have found that books go much deeper than online courses and projects will help me apply what I’ve learned more systematically. Additionally, I no longer have an incentive to obtain completion certifications from online courses and it makes me happy to just learn for the sake of learning.
Books I’m using:
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart (20 Chapters)
- Beyond the Basic Stuffs with Python by Al Sweigart (17 Chapters)
- The Big Book of Small Python Projects by Al Sweigart (81 projects)
The goal is to finish Book 1 and Book 2 and complete at least 2-5 projects from Book 3 in the next 2 weeks.
- 3-4 chapters/day and 1-3 projects on weekend
- 6 days/week.
- 1 - 3hr/day depending on my workload.
- Book 1 and Book 2 on weekday and Book 3 on the weekend or not-so-busy workday.
I plan to push my study notes/codes on github to keep track of my progress. I will be writing updates at the end of the week to summarize what I’ve learned.